Our product range

Our patented robots and handling systems can improve efficiency three to 20 fold, lower costs by up to 90%, and significantly enhance the quality of plantlets. Plants with better physiology require shorter nursery residence time, show negligible attrition, and  lower costs.

The SmartClone™ robotic system operates in our Zephyros laminar flow cabinet to first propagate plantlets. At appropriate growth stages the SmartClone™ robot is then used to add or subtract any media component by simple transfer ofplantlets to boxes with different media. The Janus transplanter is then used totransfer plantlets to soil whilerecovering consumables. Finally, the Neptune washerallows the pods and boxes to be reused efficiently. NuPlant provides the completesystem.


Up to 3x increase in value & reduced unit costs

SmartClone™ plantlets have increased value, reduced unit costs and increased nursery success rates. The system can provide data to operators to improve management. There are two SmartClone™ models, the original Sirius and the more recent Gemini, which doubles production.

Janus Transplanter

The Janus transplanter is synergistic with the SmartClone™ system. After a growth cycle and pre-hardening steps, it takes pods with grown plantlets, ejects agar plugs with corresponding plantlets to potting mix in nursery trays, then recovers empty pods, and re-assembles these in the original (now empty) growth box ready for cleaning and reuse.

Neptune Washer

After completion of growth and transfer of plantlets to the nursery by the Janus transplanter, the recovered SmartClone™ growth boxes contain only empty pods as the agar plugs (with plantlets) have been ejected. The Neptune Washer then efficiently washes these boxes without dis-assembly. This allows easy re-use of assembled growth boxes numerous times.


NuPlant’s consumables are washable and reusable up to ten times, resulting in substantial cost-savings for clients. NuPods, NuLids, and NuBoxes are containers with patented design that allows the robotic arm to efficiently and precisely move the pods. They also significantly improve plant physiology by controlling gas exchange, nutrients, and growth factors.

Zephyros laminar flow cabinet

The Zephyros laminar flow cabinet is a horizontal flow clean cabinet designed to suit the SmartClone platform. The modular design can be shipped with half the volume of an assembled cabinet and allows simpler installation in less than an hour. Additional features such as adjustable spotlights help to focus on the dissection area.


Sirius & Gemini

The SmartClone™ is a unique robotic system designed for clonal plant propagation through tissue culture methods. It addresses the limitations of conventional tissue-culture methods by providing a more efficient and cost-effective solution. The key innovation is its "plantlet pod," which enables robotic handling, dramatically improving operator efficiency and increasing throughput.

  • Unparalleled effectiveness with difficult-to-culture plants. Significantly lower the propagation costs of uneconomic plants.  
  • An optimized environment that leads to superior growth.   
  • Designed primarily for cloning and media transfers, it can also specify the movements of individual plantlets, accommodate partial boxes, and even 'tidy up' by consolidating mixtures of plantlets in different boxes.
  • Our powerful HMI (Human-Machine Interface) software also uses a database to record all the movements of plantlets over many cycles. This data can include various media information and performance monitoring which can be used  as a management tool to improve performance.

The SmartClone™ system offers two models: the Sirius and the Gemini. Both models are equipped with the advanced ABB IRB1100-4/0.58M robotic arm, which boasts a precision of 0.01 mm. The Gemini, with its twin fingers and pod-stand platforms, doubles the Sirius's handling capacity from 4,000 to 8,000 plantlets per shift.

4K plantlets/shift (Sirius)
8K plantlets/shift (Gemini)
Robotic Arm:
ABB (IRB1100-4/0.58M)
ABB Omnicore C30
10 years
SmartCloneABB  (NuPlant Proprietary HMI)
Modes Available:
Transfer, Clone ungraded, Clone grade output, Clone grade input, Consolidate, and Grade. There are many variations on the basic conditions, such as reverse filling, auto-washing of fingers.

Janus Ex vitro Transplanter

The Janus Transplanter is NuPlant’s newest robotic system. It is designed for seamless ex-vitro transfers and automates the entire transplantation process, relieving the cost of manual labour. The machine picks up a row of four plantlets from a growth box, moves these above a nursery tray, changes the spacing to match that of the cell in the tray, then splays the pod open, ejects the agar plug in which the plantlet is growing, and then returns the empty pods to the empty growth box before progressing to the next row of plantlets.  

  • Equipped with an ABB IRB1200-7/0.7 robotic arm and C30 Omnicore controller.
  • The plantlet’s roots are protected during the process, ensuring no setback in its development.
  • Throughput of 24,000 plantlets/shift (equal to 3 Gemini or 6 Sirius)
  • The robotic arm’s 0.01 mm precision allows the Janus to perform a meticulous yet fast transfer.

Neptune Washer

The Neptune Consumables Cleaner is a robust laboratory washer designed to thoroughly and efficiently clean NuPods and NuBoxes.

  • The washing conditions melt residual agar and facilitate the removal of plant debris
  • Maintains the position of each pod as returned by the Janus, making the process easier
  • Can wash 36 boxes (864 pods) in 45 minutes
  • This throughput corresponds to one Gemini or two Sirius SmartClone™ systems

Zephyros laminar flow cabinet

Created to complement the SmartClone™ System, the Zephyros Laminar Flow Cabinet (LFC) provides the controls and monitoring systems to optimize the plant tissue dissection and handling conditions. The base of the SmartClone™ platform is recessed into the cabinet base and becomes integral to the cabinet.

  • Its modular design, lightweight materials for easy transportation
  • Available in single, double, and more modules
  • Sold at 50% of the cost of competitors’ products
  • Ideal for professionals and hobbyists


The NuPods, NuLids, and NuBoxes are not just containers. Their patented design allows the robotic arm to grip and move pods with precision and accuracy. More importantly, they allow significant improvement to physiology of the plantlets by facilitating gas exchange, dynamic change to nutrient composition and hormones, etc, leading to healthier and more productive plants.

  • The new “solid” pods (NuPod-3-01-C) eliminate the need for manual folding, snipping, and assembly, markedly reducing costs.
  • Lids can have breathable or venting membranes, which can be die-cut and welded by heat or ultrasonically. This allows for changing humidity and oxygen supply for different stages of plant growth.
  • Each NuBox holds 24 NuPods (made by injection moulding).
  • The new generation of boxes (NuBox-900-24-03) has an “egg-carton” design, eliminating the need for a pod holder and saving one moulding.
NuPod-3-01 B
NuPod-3-01 C
Requires folding, snipping, and assembly.
One piece (no assembly required)
Both pieces required
“Egg-carton” design eliminates holder. Saves one moulding.
Solid lid without membrane
With breathable membrane
With venting textile