Intellectual Property

NuPlant has achieved a significant milestone in agricultural technology by successfully creating, developing, and patenting state-of-the-art robots and consumables. Our patented inventions are a substantial source of value for the business. They also demonstrate NuPlant's commitment to innovation and signal its technical capabilities to the market.

Patents also give NuPlant a competitive advantage by allowing the company to exclude others from using the patented technology. This exclusivity can enable NuPlant to charge premium product prices and increase its market share.

Additionally, NuPlant's patents are valuable intangible assets that contribute substantially to the company's overall value. Properly valuing and managing NuPlant's patent portfolio is crucial for the business to maximize the commercial potential of its innovative ideas.

Currently, NuPlant has been granted three patents; a fourth one has been filed and is pending approval. Each patent covers the key jurisdictions and geographies where NuPlant expects to do business soon. Patent details are outlined below.


This information has been prepared by NuPlant Pty Ltd (ABN 25 093 917 849) to provide limited guidance on the nature of the company. It provides only a brief summary of the business of NuPlant.

All projections and performance indications are for illustrative purposes only. Actual results may be materially affected by changes in economic and other circumstances. Any reliance that the recipient of this information may place upon the projections and forecasts is a matter for its own commercial judgement. No representation or warranty is made that any projection, forecast, assumption or estimate contained herein should or will be achieved.

All information contained herein is subject to change. The provision of this information does not imply that the contents are correct or that there has been no change in the business, financial conditions, prospects, status or affairs of NuPlant since the date of its release. The date on which the information herein is based is 17 April 2020.